Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back to South Africa

It's been a long time.

Reading through this blog again, now six months later, is like coming home to a place you've always known and loved and wished you could see again. Suddenly I remember more vividly the sights and sounds and smells... and I know I will experience them all over. Again. And it makes me smile.

It is also a reminder of my near-famous ability to make promises and not always follow through. Goodness, how many times did I write "I'll write more soon" and not write any more soon? Too many. If you're wondering what I'm talking about, check the previous post and look at the date. Enough said.

The story of this trip, however, beautiful as it was in July and August, is not yet finished. It has just begun.

We leave on Thursday, January 7. Fifteen students. Two adults. And me. Not sure where I fit in there. Right now, it is ten degrees Fahrenheit in Cincinnati. It is eighty-five in South Africa. We'll take it.

At the risk of sounding redundant and too promising (and we all know how that goes), I hope to update this blog as time allows while we are in South Africa. More is coming in the next couple of days before we leave.

Until then, cheers. We will talk soon.


Tim Parenti said...

Safe travels to all! Have a wonderful trip!