Monday, January 18, 2010

New Post

Yes, yes, yes, we know you are starving for new information. Let us say briefly that while I am able to access the internet tonight (or today, if you are in the USA), I can only do it from my host family's computer and not my own laptop.

That means I cannot post pics.

But here is what we will do: Our flight leaves for the states on Tuesday night. When we arrive back safe and sound (God willing), I will post the pics from all days to your heart's desire. By then your children will tell you how wonderful the trip was and will have probably shown you all of their pictures. But no worries, I will still post them.

South Africa teaches us about humanity. The very best and worst we have to offer. It teaches us to believe, to mourn, to celebrate and to cry. It teaches us how to look at our past, that we might right our wrongs, heal our wounds and extend our hands and hearts to each other. One way or another, we are changed.

I truly hope your children are changed. My heart is renewed. I do not know if I can post again until we return, but be assured, the rest of the trip is coming. Until we speak again, thank you for reading, and may God bless us all here in South Africa.