Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Back in the USA

Sorry about the lack of updates, as I have had no time or internet whatsoever in past couple of days. Between the airports, long lines, seventeen-hour flight and connection, I have been flat worn out. I slept for about twelve hours yesterday, but I have returned, and have much to say.

I missed my family.

As I said, I have much to write about my experiences in SA, and will do so in the next couple of days. In short, this trip changed many of my thoughts about poverty, Christianity, race, education, and more. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you over the next few days.

And parents of students on this trip in January: your children are in for a wonderful and impacting trip. I am looking forward to return in a few short months.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and thoughts over this time. I'll write more soon.

2 comments: said...

Nick, what beautiful pics and what a wonderful opportunity you had to see what many of us will never see in out liftime. God Bless

Tim Parenti said...

I'd love to hear your thoughts on your trip and experiences as a whole.