Tuesday, July 28, 2009

More Pics from South Africa

This is a view of our "cabin" at the game farm. An excellent place for braai's and seeing wild game.

At the crocodile park in Suncity. There were a few hundred of these lying around.

A place the students will love: an artificial ocean at Suncity.

You can see the large city looming in the background: it's called "The Lost City" and it is for exclusive members only. We, so sad, didn't qualify during our three-hour stay.

The entrance to the wave pool near the Lost City in Suncity. There were tourists everywhere, including me, I guess.

The Gary Player golf course. I took this from a lift (elevator) in one of the hotels. Great view.

An excellent pool at Suncity. Taken, again, from said lift. (I took about seventy-five pictures from here.)

"Said lift" itself.

A large baboon was roaming around Suncity looking through the "dustbins" (or, as we would call them, trash cans). Apparently these things can be nasty, so we didn't get any closer.

On our way back to Pretoria from Suncity, we passed through this one-way gate. Nice view. Also, there were many peddlers about as we waited trying to sell us stuff. It was hard not giving them money, since this is their primary source of income.

At the Lion Park (from my last post), this is the vehicle that took us around. Note the differences in this vehicle from the previous safari vehicle we took. Lions are the reason.

A small lion who stuck out her tongue at me.

Then she tried to scare me. I was sufficiently afraid. This would be my favorite pic of the lot if not for the chain-link fence.

A lovely giraffe with whom I became friends.


On the lion tour. This is a young male white lion. Words cannot express how large and vicious these animals are.

This female started to "hunt" one of the passengers on our tour, a five-year old kid in the back seat. (The tour guide said that lions instinctively come after the young, the old, the weak, and the injured.)

The largest and most impressive lion at the park. The guide said he weighs over 300 kilograms. This is one of those times when pictures truly cannot do something justice, as I cannot write how impressive and spectacular it was to see this lion.

Just two more days left. I will write again soon, but I'm not sure about connections and internet at the airports. I'll do my best. This trip has been so exciting and wonderful and impacting; I will have several things to say and write in the upcoming days.

Please pray for me on my long trip home. Have a wonderful couple of days.