Wednesday, July 22, 2009

And Finally... The Plane Touched Down

It's been a long day. Two days. Whatever.

I left home yesterday (Tuesday) at 2PM to get to the Dayton airport and was shocked to get through security and to the gate within about 20 minutes. I ended up sitting outside gate B14 for several hours as our 450 PM flight was delayed until 545. I know, I have it rough.

We got into Atlanta by about 710, in just enough time to make the 805 flight to Johannesburg. The Atlanta airport is huge, so it took me until just after 730 to make it from gate A34 to gate E10, and the flight to South Africa was already boarding.

Sat in the same seat for nearly sixteen hours. I cannot write how long of a flight it was. No really, I cannot begin to write it. I am not going to try, except to say that it has become one long haze in my memory of sleep and waking and in-flight entertainment.

My journey began tonight, though. I met Carel Krige, our contact in SA who works at the school Doxa Deo with whom we will be working in January. We spoke about South Africa over dinner and I am beginning to understand the love these people have for their country.

I am now sitting in a spare room in a large house in Pretoria, South Africa, being attended to by a wonderfully kind host family. For so long this moment has been just a thought, an inkling of something far away in the future. But here I sit, in Africa, and I am full of wonder and hope. The future has somehow become the present.

Tomorrow and Friday will consist of meeting with several members of the school's administration and planning how to reach out in service to the South African community during our trip in January. This weekend I will visit the "game farm," which apparently is like a nature preserve, except it's filled with all kinds of awesome animals we do not have in the States. I cannot wait.

Thanks for reading. I'll post more once I get a chance. We're six hours ahead here, so much of my posting in the evening you'll have to read the following morning. My troubles now consist of finding an adaptor for South African power voltage in order to charge my laptop, camera, video recorder, and cell phone. Oh, the problems I have...

We'll be in touch soon. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.


Tim Parenti said...

For some reason, the comment form on your blog isn't working properly. Fortunately, I found the right blogID and postID numbers to plug into the address bar to be able to comment here. I won't expand on this unless you want me to at a later date; point is, people can't comment on this post unless they click this link. You're welcome. ;)

Anyway, I'm glad that all went well in your travels to SA. May God be with you as you build bridges across the Atlantic.

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